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Security Guidelines


  1. Identification of residents: Each resident will be provided with a sticker to be clearly displayed on their windscreen for ease of identification. Each sticker shall be signed by the estate manager. All vehicles without stickers shall be considered as non-resident.
  2. Initial parking allocation per household: There are 85 parking slots in the compound. Therefore each household shall be allocated only one sticker which shall cater for the 64 households at Muringa Court. These initial parking allocations shall be clearly marked against each apartment number as per the plan approved by the Court/Members’ Affairs committee.
  3. Extra parking allocation per household: An extra sticker shall be allocated upon application by the household concerned. The extra sticker shall only be allocated by the Court/Members’ Affairs committee on first come first served basis or other grounds of merit. The extra sticker shall not be charged. Both the caretaker and security must keep an accurate record of the extra-parking allocations. 
  4. Households with more than two vehicles and require extra parking: A household allocated an initial parking sticker and an extra sticker may still apply for further extra parking which shall only be allocated depending on space availability and merit. However these extra parking slots shall be charged at Ksh 200 per day and the charges shall be billed and collected in advance or based on other terms as shall be agreed with the Finance Team.
  5. Non-residents / visitors: All non-residents driving or on foot shall register at the security desk. A form shall be completed in duplicate. The form shall carry the details of the non-residents and where applicable the registration details of their cars. On exit, the security shall confirm that the form has been appropriately signed off and shall keep the signed form in record. Every morning the signed forms shall be handed over to the estate manager for record purposes and also for CCTV camera footage matching.
  6. Non-resident resident cars parked overnight: the security shall take details of all cars without resident stickers every morning and handover their details to the billing team in writing for appropriate action. These shall also be verified from the CCTV footage records by our accounting support team to confirm completeness.
  7. Unregistered cars: In line with the Kenyan Traffic Laws, unregistered cars or cars with foreign registrations are prohibited at the court unless the owner has valid proof of ownership and is a resident of the Court. The Court Affairs/Member Services Committee shall be requested for prior approval before such vehicles are allowed to park at the Court. The approval shall be in writing.
  8. Immovable vehicles: These are also prohibited from our parking unless approved by the Court Affairs/Members’ Services Committee and the car owner has made adequate arrangements on how to move the car should an emergency arise.
  9. Mandatory compound patrols: Compound patrols are mandatory. During the day the patrols shall be done by a staff member assigned in writing by the estate manager. At night, one of the security officers shall be assigned to perform the patrols.
  10. Emergency response: Management has put in place arrangements for emergency response. These must be used responsibly and only when there is an emergency.
  11. Common lighting: Evening security officers must ensure that all security lights are switched promptly as soon as the darkness sets in and switch off every morning as soon as the sunlight becomes adequate. It is the responsibility of the officers to notify the estate manager of any missing or non-functioning bulbs. The information must be recorded in the security daily report book for record and follow up purposes.
  12. Orientation: All security officers shall be given orientation on the implementation of these guidelines.
  13. Change of security personnel: All security personnel changes must be notified to the estate manager at least three days in advance and in writing.
  14. Security room: This is out of bounds and the security officers shall be held responsible for any damages or losses that may be incurred on the equipment kept in the room.
  15. Corruption / anti-bribery: Muringa Court is a corruption free environment. Any act or suspected act of corruption or bribery shall be dealt with in accordance with the Kenyan laws and also shall be considered in our evaluation of the breach of contract.
  16. Speeding, hooting in the compound: This is a community compound and we must respect the rights of resident. We must also bear in mind that Children have the right to play within the compound although at the risk of their parents. Generally speed limit of 10 kph must be observed within the compound at all time. Hooting is also prohibited. All alarms must be set to silent while the car is parked within the compound to help minimize noise disturbance to the residents. 
  17. CCTV cameras and emergency response equipment: These are in place and the security officers must safeguard them and are not allowed to interfere with them.
  18. Compliance: Failure by any security officer to adhere to these guidelines shall be considered to be misconduct and shall be referred for appropriate disciplinary action.

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